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Mathematical Tools

Detect Peaks:

\[ \begin{align*} \text{Median Height} &= \text{median}(\text{flattened\_signals}) \\ \text{Standard Deviation of Height} &= \text{std}(\text{flattened\_signals}) \\ \text{Height Threshold} &= \text{Median Height} + \text{Standard Deviation of Height} \\ \text{Peak Distance} &= \text{len}(\text{flattened\_signals}) \times 0.05 \\ \text{Prominence Threshold} &= \text{Standard Deviation of Height} \times 0.5 \\ \text{Peak Count} &= \text{len}(\text{peaks}) \\ \text{Average Peak Height} &= \text{mean}(\text{properties}["peak\_heights"]) \\ \text{Average Distance Between Peaks} &= \text{mean}(\text{np.diff}(\text{peaks})) \\ \text{Average Prominence of Peaks} &= \text{mean}(\text{properties}["prominences"]) \end{align*} \]

Calculate Variance and Standard Deviation:

\[ \begin{align*} \text{Variance} &= \text{var}(\text{signals}, \text{axis}=1) \\ \text{Standard Deviation} &= \text{std}(\text{signals}, \text{axis}=1) \end{align*} \]

Calculate RMS:

\[ \text{RMS} = \sqrt{\text{mean}(\text{signals}^2, \text{axis}=1)} \]

Where, \begin{align} \text{RMS} &= \text{Root Mean Square} \ \text{signals} &= \text{Array containing the input signals} \ \text{axis} &= \text{Axis along which the mean is computed, typically axis=1 for row-wise mean} \end{align}

Frequency Bands:

\[ \begin{align*} \text{Band Features}[i, j] &= \text{mean}(\text{psd}[\text{idx}]) \quad \text{if} \quad \text{np.any}(\text{idx}) \\ & \quad \quad \quad \text{else} \quad 0.0 \end{align*} \]

Where, \begin{align} \text{Band Features}[i, j] &= \text{Mean power spectral density (PSD) in band } (i, j) \ \text{psd} &= \text{Power Spectral Density} \ \text{idx} &= \text{Indices of frequencies within band } (i, j) \ \text{np.any}(\text{idx}) &= \text{Check if any indices are present in the band} \ \end{align}

Calculate Spectral Entropy:

\[ \text{Spectral Entropy} = -\sum_{i=1}^{n} p_i \log_2(p_i) \]

Where, \begin{align} \text{Spectral Entropy} &= \text{Entropy of the power spectral density (PSD)} \ p_i &= \text{Normalized power in frequency bin } i \ n &= \text{Number of frequency bins} \end{align}

Spectral Centroids:

\[ \text{Spectral Centroid} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{N} f_i \cdot |X(i)|}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} |X(i)|} \]

Where, \begin{align} \text{Spectral Centroid} &= \text{Average frequency weighted by the magnitude spectrum} \ f_i &= \text{Frequency of bin } i \ X(i) &= \text{Magnitude of the Fourier transform at bin } i \ N &= \text{Number of frequency bins} \end{align}

Spectral Edge Density:

\[ \text{Spectral Edge Density} = \text{Frequency}\left[\text{argmax}\left(\text{cumulative\_sum} \geq \text{threshold}\right)\right] \]

Where, \begin{align} \text{cumulative_sum} &= \text{Cumulative Sum of Power Spectral Density (PSD)} \ \text{threshold} &= \text{User-defined threshold} \end{align}