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Python Utilities

Our system mainly uses Python, thanks to its readability and wide range of packages in the field of data science, embedded and communication.

Our project implements some utilities that makes the workflow simple and efficient. In this page you will get to know about it each utility.


We are planning to publish these utilities as a python package to make it easy to develop the main dashboard. Once, all the code seems stable, it will be released as a package on GitHub. However, the documentation for that package remain the same.


All the constant values are defined in the, it also contains some data structures. You can import these constants and use the values. It helps in maintaining code quality and prevents repetition.


These are defined actions that are used in mainly used with VizDoom game.

Name Value Type

This class also has a classmethod to_dict(). This method returns this constant data structure as a dictionary, this allows flexibility to system where it is being used.

Example usage:

from constants import Action

actions = Action()

You might think that why we would just define constants and create a classmethod to convert it to dictionary. Well, our system used these constants very often and at some point they were also required as a dictionary.


When we decode features into Actions i.e move forward, backward or turn left or right etc. The actions are returned with some properties. This ActionMap class holds the same properties.

Name Value Type
rms (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 3.96e-07) tuple
variance (Actions.TURN_LEFT, 1.074e-26) tuple
spectral_entropy (Actions.USE, 0.7) tuple
peak_counts (Actions.ATTACK, 3) tuple
higuchi_fractal_dimension (Actions.TURN_RIGHT, 1.35e-15) tuple
zero_crossing_rate (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.1) tuple
delta_band_power (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
theta_band_power (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
alpha_band_power (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
beta_band_power (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
peak_heights (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
std_dev (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 7.5e-14) tuple
centroids (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
spectral_edge_density (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple
evolution_rate (Actions.MOVE_FORWARD, 0.5) tuple

You can learn about the terms used in this project from the page Frequent Terms

This data structure contains all data to be tuple, this class also has a to_dict() method wich converts they keys and the values set by the user to a dictionary.

Example Usage:

from constants import ActionMap

action_map = ActionMap()
actions_default = action_map.to_dict()  # Action map with default values
{'rms': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 3.96e-07), 'variance': ('TURN_LEFT', 1.074e-26), 'spectral_entropy': ('USE', 0.7), 'peak_counts': ('ATTACK', 3), 'higuchi_fractal_dimension': ('TURN_RIGHT', 1.35e-15), 'zero_crossing_rate': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.1), 'delta_band_power': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'theta_band_power': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'alpha_band_power': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'beta_band_power': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'peak_heights': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'std_dev': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 7.5e-14), 'centroids': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'spectral_edge_density': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5), 'evolution_rate': ('MOVE_FORWARD', 0.5)}


The signals received from MEAs are analysed to understand the nature of incoming data and the data we will be working further with. Many mathematical formulas are used to determine the features of signals.

You can find these mathematical formulas in Mathematical Formulas section.

Name Value Type
peak_height - Any
peak_counts - int
variance - float
std_dev - float
rms - float
band_features - Any
delta_band_power - Any
theta_band_power - Any
alpha_band_power - Any
beta_band_power - Any
centroids - Any
spectral_edge_densities - Any
higuchi_fractal_dimension - Any
zero_crossing_rate - Any
evolution_rate - Any

This method also contains to_dict() method but it also contains a to_python_float() method. The to_python_float() convert numpy.float64 to a python float if there is any.

Data Manager

The system involves transmitting and receiving data alot. Currently, we are using Paho MQTT for this purpose. The scripts in themselves need to send data from one to another. To facilitate this complex movement of data we implemented a DataManager class which handles these tasks seamlessly.

It has the following features:

  • Multi-threaded / Non-Blocking
  • Transmit & Receive Concurrently
  • Flexible
  • Easy to Setup

Because we will be having a lot of data manager classes in different parts of the system it might become difficult to provide arguments to each class and changing them would be a time-consuming task. To overcome this issue, we have designed data manager to take a profile and a function as an argument. Profile is simply a .ini file containing the keys.

Name Default Value Type Description
client_id None str A client name to be used as an identifier for the client
topic_sub None str A topic to subscribe, let it be None if client is only for receiving messages
topic_pub None str A topic to publish message on, let it be None if client is only for sending messages
function None function: Any A function you want to execute when message is received

Example Profile



Make sure that you put all the keys in the General section.

Constructing client

from data_manager import DataManager

data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE")  # Without processing function
data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE", some_function)  # With a processing function


Make sure that you are running a local or cloud MQTT broker at the defined host and port else, this will raise a Connection Refused error.

Receiving data

For only recieving messages you need to specify topic_sub and leave topic_pub to None.

from data_manager import DataManager

data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE", some_function) 

Just 2 lines, yeah just 2 lines to start receiving messages. This starts the server loop on a new thread which prevents blocking main thread. You can also pass a function that you want to execute when you receive any data, this also helps you to utilise data that you will be receving.

For example, lets say we will be receving a string on test_topic and to that we string we want to append foo and print it.

def foo(msg):
    print(f"{msg} foo")

data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE", foo) 

Now this will print a string that will have foo in it. You can pass your own function but make sure you take the incoming message as the first argument of your custom function.

Sending data

Sending data is simple, you need to specify topic_pub for the client. For such case you don't need to specify processing_func.

from data_manager import DataManager

data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE", foo) 
data_m.set_data("This is the message I want to send.")


There are two function publish and publish_data both are different, you need to call publish function not publish_data

In this way you send data in just 3 lines. But, you need to be carefull while sending data. Firstly, you need to specify data through set_data() function, is the property of DataManager class which is set by the user through this function. Then you need to call the function publish(sleep_time: float)

Data Manager also has a publish_data() function, but the function publish() executes publish_data() function on a new thread so that main thread is not blocked.

Sending & Receving Data Concurrently

We are not done yet, you can also receive and set data concurrently through same class. You just need to specify both topic_sub and topic_pub

def foo(msg):
    print(f"{msg} foo")

data_m = DataManager("$PATH_TO_INI_FILE", foo) 

data_m.set_data("I am sending this message")

# Your code ......
# And it will not be blocked

Logging Service

Our system is wide and complex so it becomes really important to keep records of events being fired behind the scene. So, to save logs we implemented a LoggingService class that uses DataManager and listens for logging data on topic logs. This includes a RotatingFileHandler that means if the size of log file reaches the limit a new file will be created and data will be written to it. The limit set is 200 MB for each file.


The format in which we want to save our logs is an important parameter, we have provided a class containing string of all formats available with python's built-in package logging

class Formats:
    BASIC_FMT = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s"
    FUNC_FMT = "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s - %(funcName)s - %(message)s"
    LINE_NO_FMT = "%(asctime)s: %(levelname)s -%(lineno)d - %(message)s"

Logging data

To log data you need to send a dictionary converted into json as string on topic logs. The logger will automatically log the data whenever you send a json on the topic. Make sure to follow the given format for dictionary.

    'level': "LEVEL_INT",
    'funcName' : 'NAME_OF_THE_FUNCTION'  # put as 'NA' if you dont want to use it.
    'lineno' : 'LINE_NUMBER' # put as 'NA' if you dont want to use it.

The parameters level, msg are important and cannot be set NA.

Convert to database

If you have a lot of logs then it might be difficul to read that through the file itself, to make analysing the logs easy we provide a function convert_to_database() which takes no argument and converts the log file into a sqlite3 database file. Also make sure to follow the given template for .db file. You can download the template.db file from here.